Creative Writing Services

  • I can be your companion to start and finish your book. I will draw a clear path for you on how a novel and nonfiction book is written and I will help you on every step of the way.

    More specifically, I will assign you homework and edit your work. I will keep the template of the book with me and plug in your writings as they come in. This is the fast way to write a book. We can get a book done in 3-6 months.

  • I will adapt your novel or memoir into a movie script, or we can start a new script from scratch together.

"He bore his soul into my work as if it were his very own and exercised empathy only in a manner that a fellow writer could. Through his coaching, I gained confidence in my writing style."

~ Martine Kalaw, Auther of Illegal Among Us

Let’s work together

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. Can't wait to hear from you!